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A crash course in critical thinking

The Bad Science Show

44% of teenagers aren't confident telling fake news from real news.*

That's nearly HALF of our young people who don't feel confident about their critical thinking skills.

The Bad Science Show is a sixty-minute incursion that motivates students to think critically about who they believe and what science they can trust.

Over the hour, Nicholas brings to life five extraordinary stories of good science gone bad, asking the students to figure out if those unbelievable stories are true or false.

Did a pair of pranksters fool top scientists into believing they had psychic powers using nothing more than magic tricks and confirmation bias?

Are conspiracy theories all a pack of lies?
(Or is that just what THEY want you to think?)

How can we tell if a medical treatment really works or is just a placebo?

Packed with baffling illusions and extraordinary sideshow stunts, The Bad Science is a crash course in critical thinking that has students wondering who they can trust...and inspired to find out!

“Once again you provided a fantastic show for us. To keep over a hundred boys on the edge of their seats for an hour is an amazing achievement.”

- Scotch College, Victoria

Boring stuff

(that's actually kind of important)

Years: 7-10

Length: 60 minutes plus Q&A

​Technical Requirements: Data projector with HDMI input, table and chair.

Price: $850 plus GST per show for up to 100 students. Additional students are charged at $8.50 plus GST.

​Curriculum Links:
General Capabilities
Critical and Creative Thinking
Science As Human Endeavour

Yr 7 – ACSHE119
Yr 8 – ACSHE134
Yr 9 – ACSHE160
Yr 10 – ACSHE162

Science Inquiry Skills
Yr 7 – ACSIS124
Yr 8 – ACSIS139
Yr 9 – ACSIS164
Yr 10 – ACSIS165


2022 The Bad Science Show - School Shows & School Incursions in Melbourne Sydney and Canberra.

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Get in Touch

Nicholas J. Johnson | School Incursions
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